Wolf & Fin

Roast Pork Tenderloin


Amount Ingredient Calories Link
1 1/2 lbs. Pork Tenderloin 1533 Buy Fresh!
1/2 tsp. Kosher Salt 0
1/2 tsp. Black Pepper 4
2 tbsp. Avocado Oil 248


Preheat the oven to 450 °F. Pat the tenderloin dry with paper towels and season generously on each side with salt and pepper. Allow the pork tenderloin to come to room temperature before searing so it cooks evenly.

Heat a cast iron pan on high heat and add 1-2 tablespoons of avocado oil. When the avocado oil begins to smoke, sear each side of the tenderloin for 1 minute until a nice golden crust develops.

Place the cast iron with the pork tenderloin into the oven. Roast the pork tenderloin until the internal temperature reaches 140°F, approximately 20 to 25 minutes. When your desired internal temperature is reached pull the pork tenderloin from the oven and place on a cooling rack allowing the pork to rest for at least 5 minutes. Please note the USDA recommends cooking pork to a safe internal temperature of 145 °F with the addition of a three-minute rest period.

Once the pork tenderloin is rested, slice into 1/2-inch thick coins. Serve with your choice of roasted vegetables.


Pork tenderloin pairs nicely with the the deep fruitiness and rich earthy flavors common with a good Pinot Noir. Chianti also makes a great paring with the rich pork flavor.


The avocado oil protects the pork tenderloin from sticking to the pan. While high on calories the majority of the oil is discarded after the cooking process. The avocado oil adds approximately 15 additional calories towards one serving.

Recommended Serving Size: 3 oz. (Approximately 125 cal.)
Total Servings: Approximately 8

Items Used

Below are a few of the items used to create the finished result. The curated items below and ingredients above have been carefully selected and represent what we believe to be the best balance between quality and cost.

A special note on the Lodge tongs. We've used many shapes and sizes in the kitchen and these quickly became one of our favorite go to tongs. We primarily use them for outdoor applications such as BBQ and grilling, however, find them very useful in high heat scenarios such as searing or reaching into a hot oven.

If your local Costco has a professional kitchen department you can also find tongs of similar quality. It's hit or miss if they have them in stock so your mileage may vary.