Wolf & Fin

Lamb Chops


Amount Ingredient Calories Link
1 lbs. Lamb Chops 959 Buy Fresh!
1/2 tsp. Kosher Salt 0
1/2 tsp. Black Pepper 4


Smoked lamb chops make for a special treat. We took a rack of lamb and smoked them using hickory wood chunk until an internal temperature of 130 °F was reached. Remove from heat and allow to rest for 5 minutes before searing over hot coals to form that intensely flavored crust. Once done remove from heat and allow to rest for 5 additional minutes before serving.

You can slice lamb chops in many different ways, however, we decided to slice them individually. Plate and garnish with your favorite sides and enjoy!


A 1 pound rack of lamb is approximately 963 calories.

Recommended Serving Size: 4 oz. (Approximately 241 cal.)
Total Servings: Approximately 4

Items Used

Below are a few of the items used to create the finished result. The curated items below and ingredients above have been carefully selected and represent what we believe to be the best balance between quality and cost.