Wolf & Fin

Fried Chicken


Amount Ingredient Calories Link
1 lbs. Chicken Leg Quarters 1013 Buy Fresh!
2 cups All Purpose Flour 962
1 tbsp. Kosher Salt 0
1 tbsp. Black Pepper 19
1 tbsp. Garlic Powder 13
1 tbsp. Onion Powder 25
1 whole Egg 78 Buy Fresh!


Fried chicken is simply amazing. You take a fresh cut of chicken and brine it to ensure every bite is perfectly seasoned. You then cover it with a dredge seasoned with your favorite herbs and spices. Not only do you get that amazing crunch in every bite, it comes packed with all of those mouth watering and delicious flavors. Finally you fry the chicken in a hot oil locking in the moisture while adding that extra fat that when combined with salt just elevates the chicken to a whole other level. Below is our take on fried chicken.

First we brine the chicken overnight. The brine is simply 1 cup of water per tablespoon of salt and sugar. Keep multiplying this recipe to make as much brine as you need, for this recipe we find that 4 batches is sufficient.

For the dredge we add the flour, kosher salt, freshly ground black pepper, garlic powder, and onion powder. Next whisk an egg in a bowl until the egg whites and yolk are one.

When ready to cook heat peanut or canola oil to 350 °F. Pat the chicken dry and toss into the egg yolk mixture. Next toss into the dredge until evenly coated. Gently shake any excess dredge off the chicken prior to frying. The chicken is done when the internal temperature of the chicken reaches 160 °F. One trick to determine when getting close is that the chicken floats to the top and the intensity of the bubbles from frying are greatly reduced.

When done, remove the chicken and place on a wire rack to drain and cool. This will keep your chicken crispy until ready to serve.


A 4 ounce portion of fried chicken is about 320 calories.

Recommended Serving Size: 4 oz. (Approximately 320 cal.)
Total Servings: Approximately 4

Items Used

Below are a few of the items used to create the finished result. The curated items below and ingredients above have been carefully selected and represent what we believe to be the best balance between quality and cost.