Wolf & Fin

Beef Rib


Amount Ingredient Calories Link
6 lbs. Beef Ribs 12810 Buy Fresh!
1 tbsp. Kosher Salt 0
1 tbsp. Black Pepper 19


We were at the local butchers picking up some lean ground beef, the good stuff made with trimmings from other premium cuts of beef when we came across these ribs. Talking about an upsell! The marbling was so wonderful I immediately knew we had to get these and in the bag they went.

Since the star of this show is the beef ribs we wanted to focus every bit attention to the beef's flavor. Seasoning was kept simple with kosher salt, freshly ground black pepper, and some hickory smoke. We fired the weber kettle up and smoked the beef ribs at 225 °F using hickory wood chunk.

It took about 2 1/2 hours (cold outside) until the internal temperature hit 150 °F. Normally we would cook a bit longer to make the beef more pull apart tender, however, due to the marbling in these ribs it was at the sweet spot. We pulled the ribs from the smoker and let it rest for 10 minutes as the scent of fresh BBQ beef teased our senses silly.

At the 10 minute mark we could barely resist our urges and skipped the plating and went straight to taste testing. Smoke and beef is the perfect combination.


A 3 oz. portion of beef ribs is about 299 calories.

Recommended Serving Size: 3 oz. (Approximately 299 cal.)
Total Servings: Approximately 2

Items Used

Below are a few of the items used to create the finished result. The curated items below and ingredients above have been carefully selected and represent what we believe to be the best balance between quality and cost.